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Bonny Roses
Bonny Roses
This is a designer's choice hand-tied bouquet crafted in Bonny Blooms' signature style, perfect for romantic occasions. Our Bonny Kiss Bouquet isn't your traditional red arrangement; it features a mix of romantic flowers, delicate blooms, and textured foliage. We use local blooms and foliage whenever possible, ensuring every bouquet is unique and customizable to your preferences. Use the 'florist's instructions' box to tell us your favorite colors, flowers, and any special requests to make your bouquet magical.
Our Style
At our design studio, we are passionate about creating arrangements that echo the natural beauty of local flowers. Our style draws inspiration from the wild and untamed, often embracing twisted and contorted stems to create unique, organic compositions. Visitors to our shop often marvel at our designs, wondering if they are real—and we love that! We are also happy to craft more traditional arrangements upon request. Keep in mind that some of the most stunning blooms may not have the longest vase life. If longevity is your priority, please let us know so we can tailor the perfect arrangement just for you.
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